At Designer Revival, we know how important trust is. Our consignment business has been a New York fashion haven for 30+ years. Shopping for pre-owned luxury items can be tough, especially with so many counterfeit handbags out there. That's why our experts are dedicated to authenticating every item we sell, so you can shop with confidence.
Each item in our collection goes through a detailed inspection by our in-house experts. We also collaborate with third-party authentication services to offer certificates of authenticity upon request. Only items we fully trust in terms of legitimacy make it to our inventory.
Our authentication process starts with a thorough hands-on inspection. We examine materials, craftsmanship, details, tags, labels, logos, hologram stickers, and date or serial codes. We also identify the time period of each piece. Additionally, we conduct extensive research on the item's style and brand, including side-by-side comparisons and critical analysis.
We certify every item we sell or 100% of your money back-- Ensuring your trust is most important to us.